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「国連人口基金年次報告書 2007」

「国連人口基金年次報告書 2007」







「国連人口基金年次報告書 2007」


01 1月 2008

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The UNFPA Annual Report 2007 highlights UNFPA's support to 159 developing and transition countries and territories in their efforts to empower women and men to make the choices necessary to better their lives, improve reproductive and sexual health, reduce maternal death, promote HIV prevention, address unmet needs for family planning, advance effective population policies and alleviate poverty. It also describes UNFPA's work with global partners, including a growing contingent of organizations committed to helping fulfil UNFPA's mandate.

The report also documents the record-breaking number of donors and resources mobilized in 2007, with details of how and where the money was spent. UNFPA provided humanitarian support to the 54 countries, while continuing to prioritize the needs of youth, especially adolescent girls.

The Fund also ensured that social investments benefit the poor by promoting the collection and use of data disaggregated by gender, age, and income. UNFPA improved its accountability, oversight and management and sharpened its field focus on results.