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3月26日 Japan allocates 3.22 million USD to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity among populations affected by crisis in three most affected states in South Sudan

3月26日 Japan allocates 3.22 million USD to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity among populations affected by crisis in three most affected states in South Sudan

Press Release

3月26日 Japan allocates 3.22 million USD to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity among populations affected by crisis in three most affected states in South Sudan

calendar_today 26 3月 2015


The Government of Japan has provided 3.22 million USD to the United Nations Population Funds (UNFPA) to implement the project “Strengthening Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care in Crisis Affected Areas in South Sudan”.

The tertiary health facilities in the three most affected states, Jonglei, Upper Nile and Unity are acutely impacted by the conflict that started in December 2013. The crisis has crippled lifesaving work in these states, leaving over 950,000 women and girls of reproductive age vulnerable without access to basic and crucial services.

The new funding from Japan will contribute to providing comprehensive emergency obstetric and neonatal care (CEmONC) services in the three most affected states, aiming to ensure that women, girls and children receive appropriate referral services in addition to protection from Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV).

“There are many unfortunate cases in which pregnant women do not have access to proper health treatment facilities and follow up care following referral to tertiary health faculties. This is due to limited supply of equipments as well as lack of knowledge and skills of health workers in managing modern medical tools. I believe UNFPA will contribute to the welfare of women in the conflict-affected states by providing necessary medical equipments and training to health workers at the tertiary health facilities”, says Mr. Takeshi Akamatsu, Ambassador of Japan.

“This funding from the Government and People of Japan will enable UNFPA to scale up its response and service provision for the women and girls of reproductive age within the most affected states”, says Mr. Barnabas Yisa, UNFPA Country Representative.

UNFPA plans to reach 3.4 million people in South Sudan with Reproductive Health and SGBV services in 2015. UNFPA seeks 25 million USD to scale up its reponse and service provision to internally displaced people and their host communities.

1.Mr. Barnabas Yisa, UNFPA Country Represenataive, South Sudan Tel: +211(0)956444486
E-mail: yisa@unfpa.org
2.Ms. Hisako Ishizaki, First Secretary, Embassy of Japan in South Sudan Tel: +211(0)959003152
E-mail: hisako.ishizaki@mofa.go.jp