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TICAD7 公式サイドイベント➀ TICAD7 Official Side Event➀

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TICAD7 公式サイドイベント➀ TICAD7 Official Side Event➀

calendar_today 28 8月 2019


TICAD7 公式サイドイベント➀ TICAD7 Official Side Event➀

左上から、登壇者のブルキナファソのファーストレディのアドジョアビ・シカ・カボレ夫人、コンゴ民主共和国のファーストレディのデニス・ニャケル夫人(予定)、ケニア共和国のファーストレディのマーガレット・ケニヤッタ夫人(予定)、ナミビア共和国のファーストレディのモニカ・ゲインゴス夫人(予定)、マリのファーストレディのアミナータ・マイガ・ケイタ夫人、マダガスカルのファーストレディのミアリー・ラジョエリナ夫人、安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人(予定)、片山さつき内閣府特命担当(地方創生・規制改革・男女共同参画)・女性活躍担当大臣、ナタリア・カネム UNFPA事務局長

From left to right, H.E Adjoavi Sika Bela Kabore, the First Lady of Burkina Faso, H.E. Denise Nyakeru, the First Lady of RDC (TBC), H.E. Margaret Kenyatta, the First Lady of Republic of Kenya (TBC), H.E. Monica Geingos, the First Lady of Republic of Namibia (TBC), H.E. Aminata Maiga Keita, the First Lady of Mali, H.E. Mialy Lajoelina, the First Lady of Madagascar, H.E. Akie Abe, the First Lady of Japan (TBC), H.E. Satsuki Katayama, Japanese Government Minister, Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director

English here



現在、多くの女性や女児がジェンダーに基づく暴力(GBV: Gender Based Violence)の脅威にさらされています。世界中で3人に1人の女性がパートナーや家族から何らかのかたちでGBVを受けています。また、GBVは望まない妊娠や、フィスチュラ、HIV等のリスクを高めます。












場所:パシフィコ横浜 展示ホールB06 (アクセス

主催: 開発のためのアフリカ・ファーストレディ協会、国連人口基金





・歓迎の挨拶: 安倍昭恵内閣総理大臣夫人(予定)

・開会の辞:ナタリア・カネム UNFPA事務局長

・スピーチ:ブルキナファソのファーストレディ、開発のためのアフリカ・ファーストレディ協会会長のアドジョアビ・シカ・カボレ 夫人


・スピーチ:マダガスカルのファーストレディのミアリー・ラジョエリナ 夫人






・閉会の辞: TBC


●使用言語: 英語・日本語・フランス語(同時通訳)


●参加費: 無料


●定員: 200名(先着順)


●参加登録: イベント参加の登録はこちら


"Zero Gender Based Violence for African Future: Together, We Can!"


Many women and girls are currently under threat from gender-based violence (GBV). One in every three women around the world receives GBV in some way from their partners and families. GBV also increases the risk of unwanted pregnancy, fistula and HIV.


So far, with the cooperation of various organizations, Africa has achieved dramatic results to eradicate GBV. The African Union Agenda 2063 sets goals to strengthen national policies and legal frameworks for GBV, and many countries are working to achieve those goals. Among them, African first ladies including Madagascar's first lady, Mrs. Mialy Lajoelina, are engaged in a number of activities to improve GBV awareness.


UN and relevant agencies are also fighting to eradicate GBV as strategic partners.

UNFPA and the Organization of African First Ladies for Development are hosting an official side event, “Zero Gender Based Violence for African Future: Together, We Can!”. At TICAD7, the discussion will focus on the need for urgent measures to eliminate GBV and harmful practices to achieve the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) action plan.


This side event will be a valuable opportunity for first ladies from Africa to gather in Japan, and to send out powerful messages that we can only hear from the first ladies. In addition, H.E. Satsuki Katayama, Japanese Government Minister will speak at the event and a welcome greeting by H.E. Akie Abe, the First Lady of Japan, is also planned.

We look forward to welcoming you to the side event.


● Overview

Date: August 28, 13: 00-14: 30 
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall B06 (Access

Organizer: Organization of African First Ladies for Development, United Nations Population Fund


● Program (planned)

・ Welcome Remarks: H.E. Akie Abe, the First Lady of Japan (planned)

・ Opening Remarks: Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director

・ Speech: First Lady of Burkina Faso, H.E. Adjoavi Sika Kaboré, President of Organization of African First Ladies for Development

・ Speech: First Lady of Madagascar, H.E. Mialy Lajoelina

Panel discussion:

“The importance of empowering women to eradicate gender-based violence (GBV) in achieving the goals of TICAD and ICPD”

✓ First Lady of the Democratic Republic of Congo, H.E. Denise Nyakeru

✓ First Lady of Mali, H.E. Aminata Maiga Keita

✓ Japanese Government Minister H.E. Satsuki Katayama

UNFPA Executive Director, Dr. Natalia Kanem

✓ First Ladies of African countries (TBC)

・ Video broadcast “ How the ICPD transformed Africa, 25 Years Later ”


● Languages : English, Japanese, French (simultaneous interpretation)

● Participation fee : Free

● Capacity : 200 people 

● Registration : Click here to register for the event