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TICAD7 公式サイドイベント③ TICAD7 Official Side Event③

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TICAD7 公式サイドイベント③ TICAD7 Official Side Event③

calendar_today 29 8月 2019


TICAD7 公式サイドイベント③ TICAD7 Official Side Event③

※English here


「残された課題 : アフリカにおけるICPD~カイロからナイロビへ~」





この「行動計画」の進捗を確認し、目標の達成を確実なものとするために、ナイロビ・サミット(Nairobi Summit on ICPD25)が今年11月にケニアの首都ナイロビにて開催されます。ナイロビ・サミットでは、国連が定める持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)の達成に向けて、政府、国連機関、市民社会、民間組織、女性グループ、若者グループが「行動計画」に改めて包括的に取り組む機会となることが期待されます。


UNFPAは、このナイロビ・サミットへ向けた、プレ・イベントとして、TICAD7において「残された課題 : アフリカにおけるICPD~カイロからナイロビへ~」をテーマにサイドイベントを実施いたします。本イベントでは、ICPDの「行動計画」で掲げた目標の進捗状況を確認し、アフリカにおける新たな課題の共有などを行うことで、ICPDのさらなる発展に向けた成功事例の共有や政策提言の機会となることが期待されます。








場所:パシフィコ横浜 展示ホールB03 (アクセス




・歓迎の挨拶: TBC

・開会の辞:ナタリア・カネム UNFPA事務局長(予定)




モデレータ:ナタリア・カネム UNFPA事務局長(予定)

・閉会の辞: TBC



●参加費: 無料

●定: 200名(先着順)

●参加登録: イベント参加の参加登録はこちら


"Accelerating the Promise : ICPD25 in Africa-From Cairo to Nairobi"


The total population of African countries is expected to reach 1.3 billion in 2018, 1.7 billion by 2030, and 2.5 billion by 2050. Africa is expected to drive the world economy more and more in the future, but in order to do so, it is essential to implement policy recommendations on education and health.


Since the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994, it has been recognized worldwide that ensuring the rights of women is essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this meeting, representatives from 179 countries discussed various issues related to the world population (immigration, infant mortality, maternal mortality, family planning, women's education, etc.), and the Action Plan was adopted.


The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 will be held in Nairobi, Kenya in November this year to confirm the progress of this “Action Plan” and to ensure the achievement of important targets. The Nairobi Summit is an opportunity for governments, UN agencies, civil society, private organizations, women's groups, and youth groups to renew their comprehensive action plans to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


As a pre-event for the Nairobi Summit, UNFPA will hold a side event at TICAD7 titled,  “Accelerating the Promise : ICPD25 in Africa -From Cairo to Nairobi” . At this event, by confirming the progress of the goals set forth in the ICPD Action Plan and sharing new issues in Africa, opportunities for sharing success stories and policy recommendations for further development of ICPD.


This side event provides a valuable opportunity to directly listen from the Presidents of African countries, not only about population but also about the quality of life of each individual.


We look forward to welcoming you to the side events.


● Overview

Date: August 29, 15: 30-17: 00

Venue: Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall B03 (Access )

Organizer: Government of the Republic of Kenya, United Nations Population Fund


● Program (planned)

・ Welcome Remarks: TBC

・ Opening Remarks: Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director (TBC)

・ Speech: Government of the Republic of Kenya (TBC)

・ Panel discussion

Scheduled speakers: Government of the Republic of Kenya, Representatives from Africa, Japanese government officials, UNFPA Executive Director, etc.

Moderator: Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNFPA Executive Director (TBC)

Closing Remarks: TBC


● Languages : English, Japanese, French (simultaneous interpretation)

● Participation fee : Free

● Capacity : 200 people 

● Registration : Click here to register for the event